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changwon city council

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홈 > Council Information > Greetings


changwon special city council chairman Son Tae-hwa

It's nice to meet you, fellow citizens of Changwon!

I'm Son Tae-hwa, the 4th Chairman of the Changwon Special City Council.

I would like to convey my sincerest gratitude for your interest in visiting the official website of the Changwon special city council.

The Changwon Special City Council will be a field-oriented council that captures the diverse voices of citizens, and a policy council that faithfully studies the basics and proposes alternatives.

Also, in harmony with the changwon city and reciprocal checks and balances,

We will do our best to make Changwon full of hope and happiness for citizens.

We ask for your interest and support from the citizens.

thank you

Son Tae-hwa, Chairman of the Changwon special city council